Dear participants of the 27HSKIKI,

From the very beginning of the 27HSKIKI organization, we intended to hold the conference completely live. This decision has received strong approval from you, the participants, as well as all other parties involved, so we are now even more determined to keep it in that form, without further delay.

Circumstances are such that certain precautions are required in the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Due to a large number of registered participants and limited space, holding the conference live only with the compliance of basic epidemiological measures (wearing masks and maintaining the physical distance) is not possible.

The Croatian Institute of Public Health has published recommendations for holding professional meetings such as ours, which explicitly state the following:

“… Professional meetings and business events attended only by persons (participants, contractors and staff) holding an EU digital COVID certificate of vaccination, testing and/or recovery from COVID-19 are exempted from all restrictions of this recommendation – including the obligation wearing masks, physical distance, number of people present, etc … ”

Following the above, the Organizing Committee hereby recommends that all participants should activate their EU digital COVID certificates (COVID passports) before arriving at the conference. Our volunteers will check the validity of the certificate during registration. If the participant does not have a mobile application, a paper certificate with a QR code will also be accepted. We estimate that vaccination coverage is above average and that the vast majority of participants will come with valid COVID passports.

In case the participant DOES NOT have an EU digital COVID certificate or test certificate, on the day of the opening of the meeting during the registration a professional quick on-site test (for a reduced fee of 100,00 HRK per two tests) will be organized, which will need to be done again after 72 hours for PCR test or 48 hours for a rapid antigen test (which will also be possible to make on-site on Thursday, from 10,00 – 13,00). A negative test result can be entered in the COVID passport.

For the participants from third countries who possess a non-EU digital COVID certificate, such certificates will be also accepted providing that it complies with standards and systems, which are interoperable with the EU system:

Other participants from third countries who do not possess any COVID certificate should consult the Croatian rules for certificate exemptions for entering the Republic of Croatia, and the same conditions will be applied for participating in 27HSKIKI:

Please note that our volunteers will be maximally available to participants if someone needs help with the mobile app.

In case it is YOUR DECISION that you do not want to participate in the meeting under these conditions, please contact us and we will refund your registration fee.

Thank you for understanding,

Organising Committee

Cijenjeni sudionici 27HSKIKI,

Od samog početka organizacije 27HSKIKI namjera nam je bila održati konferenciju u potpunosti uživo. Ta odluka naišla je na izrazito odobravanje od strane vas, sudionika, kao i svih ostalih uključenih strana, stoga smo sada još odlučniji da ga u tom obliku, bez ponovnog odgađanja i održimo.

Okolnosti takve da se zahtjevaju određene mjere predostrožosti u širenju COVID-19 virusa. S obzirom na velik broj prijavljenih sudionika i ograničeni prostor, održavanje skupa uživo samo uz pridržavanje temeljnih epidemioloških mjera (nošenje maski i održavanje propisane fizičke udaljenosti) nije moguće.

Hrvatski zavod za javno zdravstvo objavio je preporuke za održavanje stručnih skupova poput našeg gdje se izričito navodi sljedeće:

“…Stručni skupovi i poslovna događanja na kojima sudjeluju samo osobe (sudionici, izvođači i osoblje) koje posjeduju EU digitalnu COVID potvrdu o cijepljenju, testiranju i/ili preboljenju bolesti COVID-19 izuzete su iz svih ograničenja ove preporuke – uključujući i obvezu nošenja maski, fizičke udaljenosti, broja prisutnih osoba itd…”

U skladu s gore navedenim Organizacijski odbor ovim putem preporučuje svim sudionicima da aktiviraju svoje EU digitalne COVID potvrde (COVID putovnice) prije dolaska na skup. Naši volonteri će pri registraciji provjeriti valjanost potvrde. Ako sudionik nema mobilnu aplikaciju, prihvatit će se i papirnata potvrda s QR kodom. Naše procjene su da je procijepljenost natprosječno visoka te da će velika većina sudionika doći s vrijedećim COVID putovnicama.

U slučaju da sudionik NEMA EU digitalnu COVID potvrdu, niti potvrdu o testiranju, na dan otvaranja skupa tijekom registracije bit će organizirano stručno brzo testiranje na licu mjesta (uz naplatu, po sniženoj cijeni od 100,00 kn za DVA testiranja), koje će biti potrebno obaviti još jednom nakon isteka 72 sata za PCR test ili 48 sati za brzi antigenski test (drugi test moći će se također obaviti u hotelu, u četvrtak od 10:00 – 13:00 sati).

Negativan rezultat testiranja moguće je unijeti u COVID putovnicu.

Napominjemo da će naši volonteri biti sudionicima maksimalno na raspolaganju ako nekome bude trebala pomoć s mobilnom aplikacijom.

U slučaju da je VAŠA ODLUKA da ne želite sudjelovati na skupu pod ovim uvjetima, molimo da nam se javite te ćemo vam izvršiti povrat kotizacije.

Zahvaljujemo na razumijevanju,

Organizacijski odbor 27HSKIKI